Mental Health and Wellness
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. It affects how you think, feel, and act, and it can even affect your physical health. Your mental health also helps determine how you handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. Wherever you are on your journey, we have mental health and wellness resources that can help.
Stress management
Stress is a normal part of life—in moderation it can help you reach your goals—but getting sick from it is not.
When your body thinks it’s under attack, it creates energy for the “fight, flight, or freeze” response. Your heart beats faster. Your digestive system slows down. Your body tenses up. These changes help you act quickly but are not meant to last a long time. Too much stress for too long creates health problems. But there are ways to manage stress and build resilience so you can take on whatever life throws your way.