What to expect
after surgery
Recovery phase (first few days and months after surgery)
The Options program was designed to provide support and resources long term. Whether you had surgery recently or many years ago, we are here for you. Explore the tools and resources at every stage below.
Check out our post-surgery quick reference guide for tips for those first few days and weeks of recovery, including:
- Tips to prepare your home
- Tips to prepare for your hospital stay
- Tips for before you leave the hospital
- Tips for immediately after surgery

Go to all your follow-up appointments to help your care team monitor your recovery
Contact your health care team if you aren’t sure when your follow-up appointments are scheduled.
Follow the post-surgery meal plan designed to support your recovery
During this phase, you will be slowly moving through stages 1 through 3 of the post-surgery meal plan (clear liquids through pureed foods). Use the Post-Surgery Meal Plan as your guide and check out stage 1 recipes.
Find a movement routine that you enjoy and can keep up
Explore some simple exercise videos.
Consider attending a Kaiser Permanente support group to continue building skills, learning from peers, and getting the support you need
Check out the support groups to find one that works for you.