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Learning About Effective Parenting

  • kpchl

Parenting can be hard. Trying to figure out how to do it well can be hard too. But if you're thinking about how to be a good parent, or ways you can get better at it, you're already on the…

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How to Help Your Child Who Bullies

  • kpchl

It can be hard to accept that your child may be bullying other children. But once you recognize the problem, you can help solve it by helping your child learn how his or her actions affect others. Being sensitive to others' feelings…

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Helping Your Child Build Self-Esteem

  • kpchl

Self-esteem is a person's core belief about himself or herself. A person's self-esteem is reflected in his or her actions, both in how as well as what he or she does.

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Young boy smiling

Adjusting to School

  • kpchl

When children go to school, they leave the safety of their home and family. They learn crucial skills—like how to make friends—that they can use for the rest of their lives. School is a testing ground where children evaluate, accept,…

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Young girl hiding behind curtain

Shyness in Children

  • kpchl

Shyness is common in children. Life experiences can sometimes cause it. But for many children, shyness is natural.

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Hands holding cherry tomatoes

Social Health

  • kpchl

When you think about health, you might think of doctor visits and medicine. But what about access to healthy food? Or a safe place to live? Good health requires more than just health care. You need to be supported in…

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Man at desk with laptop and writing on notepad

Total Health Assessment

  • kpchl

Make good health a part of your daily habits with our healthy lifestyle programs. These personalized, online programs can help you create an action plan to reach your health goals. Based on your Total Health Assessment results, you’ll find advice,…

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