Henley the Thriving Kitty

An apple a day is good advice

Add pizzazz to your water!

Therapy with Dr. Duddles

Quick upper body movements to do at home or at the gym

Learn the symptoms and get support for cannabis withdrawal

Do what makes you happy!

Explore self-care options with a wellness coach

Stay hydrated!

There’s no such thing as a “healthy tan.”

If you want to quit tobacco, we can help.

Don’t forget to wear the right clothes and shoes for your workouts!

A snack that can lower blood pressure

Two quick tips for managing stress

A hobby can reduce stress and bring you joy

Wellness with rescue dog Nellie

Walking with Jake, the 15-year-old lab

Taking a break with Chipper

Hiking with Butterscotch

Get your shimmy on!

Koala challenge

Push-up challenge

Are you ready?

Wellness Coaching by Phone

Meet the team

ThriveTok Pet Challenge
Send us a short video, 30 seconds or less, showing us how your pet helps you thrive!