Understand depression
Diabetes can take a toll on your physical and emotional health and lead to depression.
Ready, Set, Goal, Part 1: What Is a Habit?
Changing an unhealthy habit to a healthy one can be challenging! Choose a behavior you would like to target and explore ways to strengthen your motivation to create habits that stick! We suggest reviewing these clips in order (start with…
Ready, Set, Goal, Part 2: Strategies To Build New Habits
Changing an unhealthy habit to a healthy one can be challenging! Choose a behavior you would like to target and explore ways to strengthen your motivation to create habits that stick! We suggest reviewing these clips in order (start with…
Ready, Set, Goal, Part 3: Believe In Yourself
Changing an unhealthy habit to a healthy one can be challenging! Choose a behavior you would like to target and explore ways to strengthen your motivation to create habits that stick! We suggest reviewing these clips in order (start with 1).
COVID-19 Vaccines
New vaccines for COVID-19 provide the path we need to reach post-pandemic life. This video covers how they work, whether they are safe, and who should get vaccinated.
Understanding COVID-19
Learn exactly what the virus is, how it’s spread, and what practical steps you can take to keep you and those around you safe and healthy.
Positive Choice Exercise Videos
Choose from a selection of workouts to meet your needs, including mini workouts, cardio, strength training, and yoga.
Smoking Cessation – Thinking About Quitting Smoking
Quitting tobacco has so many benefits, but it may take a few tries before you quit for good. Find your motivation and learn more about why people smoke, how to prepare to quit, and how to deal with cravings and triggers to smoke.
Prediabetes means you don’t have type 2 diabetes yet, but you do have a high risk of getting it in the future. It’s a like an early warning sign. Learn more about the basics of blood sugar and what you can do to slow down or prevent diabetes by eating healthy, moving more, and losing weight.
Newborn Care Basics
Congratulations on adding to your family! New parents feel everything from joy and excitement to fear and exhaustion. Learn more about the first couple weeks of life, including tips on feeding, burping, diapering, sleeping, and bathing.
Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is when the force of blood flowing through your blood vessels is consistently too high. Learn more about how eating healthy, moving more, and managing your stress can prevent serious problems from high blood pressure.
Heart Failure
Heart failure doesn’t mean your heart has “failed” or stopped working. It means your heart doesn’t pump blood as well as it should. Learn more about the basics of heart failure, how you may feel, and taking care of yourself now so you feel better in the future.
Diabetes – Type 2
When it comes to how diabetes affects your health and your life, you’re the one in control. Learn more about the basics of diabetes, checking blood sugar, preventing complications, and the simple things you can do to stay healthy for life.
Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do to give your baby a healthy start. Learn more about the benefits of breastfeeding, how to breastfeed, helpful tips for managing issues (like engorgement), and answers to common questions.
Fall Prevention and Home Safety
No matter what your age, or how minor a fall can be, if you fall once, you’re more likely to fall again. Learn more about what makes a fall more likely, what you can do, and quick tips to prevent falls in the future.
Insomnia and Getting a Good Night’s Sleep
If you have trouble sleeping at night, you may have insomnia. Learn more about how sleep works and what you can do to sleep better by forming healthy habits and creating a bedtime routine.
Hyperlipidemia means you have high cholesterol, high triglycerides, or both. It can be caused by your age, your family history, or your everyday choices like what you eat or if you’re physically active. Learn more about cholesterol and how to lower it with small, easy steps.
Diabetes – Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Eating healthy is one of the best ways to manage your type 2 diabetes. Learn more about diabetes and food choices, nutrition basics, a healthy meal plan, and setting goals to get started.
Diabetes – Checking Your Blood Sugar
If you have type 2 diabetes, it’s very important to check your blood sugar as often as your doctor recommends. Learn more about checking your blood sugar, including when to check, how to check, and what tools to use.
Advance Directives
Plan for your future with an advance directive in case you become so sick that you are unable to make decisions for yourself. Learn more about what’s in an advanced directive and why it’s important to have one completed.
A ReThink of the Way We Drink
This video is a collaboration between Dr. Mike Evans and a research team led by Dr. Katharine Bradley of Group Health, a Seattle-based, consumer-governed non-profit health system.
How Much Alcohol Is Too Much?
Learn the daily and weekly limits of alcohol for men and women. Understand the effects of alcohol abuse on the body.
Bladder Control Tips for Women
This 20-minute video explains how you can manage urinary incontinence with specific exercises and lifestyle changes. You'll also hear stories from women who learned to conquer their bladder control issues for good.
Kaiser Permanente Seniors, Boomers Discuss Their Keys to Healthy Aging – Exercise
Four Kaiser Permanente members, and one Kaiser Permanente physician, talk about the importance of exercise and fitness in their senior years. From weightlifting to tai chi, there's an activity to fit your needs as a senior, according to these members.
How Tai Chi and Qigong Can Help Prevent Falls in Older Adults
Kaiser Permanente physician, Robert A. Johnson, MD, practices centuries-old Chinese tai chi and qigong exercises frequently to stay active and healthy. He explains how a few basic exercises can help seniors and Baby Boomers maintain their strength and balance, which…
Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors
In this 3-part video, seniors get helpful strategies for preventing falls. After George breaks his hip in a fall, see how he and his wife take steps to improve their balance and fall-proof their home.
Sleeping Tips
Having trouble sleeping? You're not alone. Try the following tips for the next 3 to 4 weeks to help improve your sleep.
Not the Face of a Heart Attack
Linda Tapia lives a healthy, active life, so she was stunned to be diagnosed with spontaneous coronary artery dissection, a rare emergency heart condition with symptoms resembling a heart attack. Thanks to the excellent cardiac care she received at Kaiser…
The Secret to Women’s Heart Health
Heart disease affects an equal number of men and women, but some of the risk factors for heart attack and stroke are different for women. Dr. Abhimanyu Uberoi with Kaiser Permanente explains how heart health for women differs from men,…
Relieving Stress
Sometimes stress can be a helpful thing. It can motivate, energize, and focus you. But too much stress can take a toll on your physical and emotional health. Learn how to reduce, manage, and cope with stress with some helpful tips and breathing exercises.
Chris Paul Topic 4: Support Systems
Chris Paul believes in opening up to your support system of family and friends.
Chris Paul Topic 3: Meditation
Chris Paul sets aside 15-20 minutes of his day for meditation.
Chris Paul Topic 1: Training the Mind
Chris Paul believes your mind is an asset and will set you apart from the competition.
Tips for Managing Stress
A family medicine physician shares healthy ways to manage stress when it becomes overwhelming, including talking with a mental health therapist and meditation and breathing exercises.
Strength (Upper Body)
Part of a series of exercise videos you can do from anywhere, this short workout focuses on upper body strength and includes modifications for any fitness level.
Strength (Lower Body)
Part of a series of exercise videos you can do from anywhere, this short workout focuses on lower body strength and includes modifications for any fitness level.
Strength (General)
Part of a series of exercise videos you can do from anywhere, this short workout focuses on general strength and includes modifications for any fitness level.
Shoulder Health
Part of a series of exercise videos you can do from anywhere, this short workout focuses on shoulder health and includes modifications for any fitness level.
Seated Yoga
Part of a series of exercise videos you can do from anywhere, this short workout focuses on simple yoga with modifications for any fitness level.
Range of Motion (Flexibility)
Part of a series of exercise videos you can do from anywhere, this short workout focuses on flexibility to improve your range of motion and includes modifications for any fitness level.
Knee Health
Part of a series of exercise videos you can do from anywhere, this short workout focuses strengthening your knees to reduce pain and improve mobility. It includes modifications for any fitness level.
Get Fit Fitness Videos
Choose from a wide range of workouts in this playlist from Kaiser Permanente Get Fit Southern California, including using equipment like stretch bands and foam rollers or relaxing with a body scan meditation.
Healthy Balance Exercise Videos
Movement from both daily activities and planned exercise routines can help you get to a healthy weight. Find daily activities to boost physical fitness.
Office Workout (10 Minutes)
Take a break with this 10-minute morning or afternoon workout for your office or home.
Stretch Band Workout (10 Minutes)
This 10-minute stretch band workout is great for a pick-me-up at your office or home. Grab a band and follow along!
Mid-Day Posture Check (5 Minutes)
Stand up for a mid-day posture check. This 5-minute video will help get you realigned and energized for the rest of the day.
Yoga Poses: Cat/Cow
The cat/cow pose combines breathing and movement to help relieve stress and make the spine more flexible. Try it out and check out other yoga poses to help you relax.
Seated Upper Body Exercise
Designed specifically for patients with spinal cord injuries and others who benefit from seated exercise. The video offers both aerobic and resistance/strength training exercises, and includes safety tips and other guides for an effective workout for better health.
Moves for Improving Strength
Studies show exercising can help improve mood, energy level, and overall well-being. Try these simple moves to improve your strength.
Moves for Increasing Core Stability
Increasing your core stability makes the muscles of your trunk stronger and helps keep your body stable.
How to Inject Insulin
Even though injecting insulin can be upsetting at first for some, in time it becomes like any other routine.
Diabetes in the Hispanic Community
This Hispanic Heritage Month, take a healthy approach to your heritage by learning about your health risks and finding ways to prevent them.
Three Things to Improve Your Diabetes
Nearly 30 million Americans have diabetes and many of them have poorly controlled blood sugar. This can lead to complications including kidney disease, retinal damage, heart disease, hospitalization, and in severe cases death. A new study of nearly 20,000 people…
How Mike Learned to Manage Illness and Stress with Diabetes
Kaiser Permanente member Mike Prescott talks about how stress and illness affected his blood sugar and how, with the support of his care manager, Valentina, and wife, Cheryl, he’s able to control his diabetes.
Prediabetes: Know Your Number by Kaiser Permanente
If you are at risk for prediabetes, you can request a lab test from your primary care provider, called a hemoglobin A1c test, to measure your blood sugar levels.
Help with Plant-Based Eating and Cooking Demos
Watch videos about help with plant-based eating and healthy cooking demos.
Breastfeeding Your Newborn
Nervous about breastfeeding? Caitlin Low, RN-C at Kaiser Permanente Westside Medical Center explains a few ways to get your breastfeeding journey off to a good start.